This professional development opportunity for volunteer managers, focusing specifically on best practices to engage youth and families, provided participants with the tools and resources necessary to increase effectiveness while empowering volunteers. Three young people sat in as a panel allowing participants to ask questions about their ideas and past volunteering experiences. HandsOn was able to provide this resource as one of five HandsOn Network Affiliates selected to participate in a six-month intensive pilot initiative focused on creating a robust support system for nonprofits so they are able to more readily and effectively engage youth and families on a regular basis. Over the next two months participants will be attending relevant webinars, developing meaningful volunteer projects, and receiving individual consultation from generationOn staff. Already great volunteer opportunities are in motion!
"As a parent, I really want to thank Salem Classical Fencing for providing an opportunity like this for youth. The boys were confident and not shy, they took turns giving lessons and explaining things to passers-by of many ages, and basically seemed like great representatives of the program. When I walked around the festival, I saw no other programs that gave youth the opportunity to represent themselves in this way." Pam M., regarding a 13 and 16 year old who volunteered at World BeatAll of the Boot Camp attendees are posting their opportunities with HandsOn and are receiving support in reaching recruitment goals, purchasing project supplies, and retaining volunteers as team leaders. At the end of the six-months the five HandsOn affiliates that are a part of this pilot initiative will have developed tool kits, projects, and resources that can be utilized across the nation to mobilize youth and families in high quality volunteer experiences. We are very proud that our local community is being recognized for our commitment to youth and families, and are so excited to share what we learn and create with all of you!
Ways to Participate
1) Take advantage of blog posts sharing resources to expand your own youth and family engagement.
2) Best way to learn is to do- sign up for projects with your family!
3) Contact Khela for ideas and resources.
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